If you work in an office or frequently spend long periods of time driving, it’s likely that you may well have poor posture. Bad posture occurs when your spine is held in unnatural positions, putting stress on your joints, muscles and vertebrae. Slouching in your chair, hunching over your keyboard, or looking down at your mobile phone for extended periods can cause a build-up of pressure on these tissues.
Poor Posture
Lower back, neck, shoulder, and even arm pain can be linked to bad posture, and it can lead to even more severe, painful and visible symptoms such as hyperkyphosis – a condition where the thoracic spine (upper back) develops a forward-curved posture.
This condition is most commonly associated with people over 40, and it can continue to worsen with age. That said, hyperkyphosis can affect anyone at any time of life, and it is believed that 20-40% of adults will develop this condition at some point.
Hyperkyphosis sufferers may not recognise a change in back posture at first because the curvature is often quite gradual, but if left untreated, you may find that you are having difficulty performing normal tasks and keeping your balance. Some people will also experience upper back pain and spinal fractures as the condition advances. 
Hyperkyphosis can be treated by undergoing surgery, but like most surgical procedures, there are a number of risks. If you’re put off by the prospect of having surgery to treat your condition, you’ll be glad to know that we at Scoliosis SOS treat spinal conditions (including hyperkyphosis) using our non-surgical treatment method called ScolioGold
ScolioGold is a mixture of exercise-based techniques that are continuously monitored and developed to ensure that all aspects of the patient’s condition are fully treated. For more information on our ScolioGold treatment method, click here. If you have any questions or you wish to book a consultation, please contact our clinic today.