Here at Scoliosis SOS, we have spent a number of years developing our sophisticated ScolioGold treatment method, to ensure that you receive an unrivalled level of treatment success, that is not available anywhere else. The Schroth Method has been an essential part of our non-surgical treatment process since our clinic first opened, and remains a vital aspect of our treatment programme. 
Unfortunately the Schroth Method has its limitations, so we have combined this treatment approach with an array of other scientifically-proven and established techniques, in order to ensure that every aspect of each patient’s condition is fully addressed. 
One such technique is the FITS Method, which stands for Functional Independent Treatment for Scoliosis. This method usually consists of an individually adjusted programme of exercises, depending on the degree of spinal curve and following a clinical examination of a patient.

Why the FITS Method is included in our treatment programme

The FITS Method consists of two stages, the detection and elimination of myofascial restrictions, and the construction of a series of new corrective posture patterns in everyday activities. The FITS method is an individually tailored therapy, which can be used on patients of any age, with varying degrees of Cobb Angle. It is required that patients take an active part in the process of therapy, by ensuring that they maintain their correct posture in everyday activities, be it at the work desk, or at home watching television.
In scoliosis treatment, the main aim is to correct the primary structural curve in three planes, which is why we include the FITS method in our ScolioGold programme. As previously mentioned, the technique has been thoroughly researched and scientifically proven, which means that each patient can be assured that they are in safe and experienced hands when receiving their treatment. 
If you would like to learn more about the methods included in our ScolioGold treatment, please click here. For those with further questions, and those who would like to book a consultation please click here to get in touch today.