
From surgery to stretches, there are a number of ways to treat scoliosis, some of which are more effective than others. One technique that is sometimes used to treat scoliosis is Rolfing (also known as Structural Integration); today, we’d like to take a closer look at this approach.

What is Rolfing?

Rolfing is a form of physical manipulation that has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including scoliosis and other curvatures of the spine. Rather than directly treating the spine itself, Rolfing practitioners instead focus on the tissues that surround the spine. Rolfers massage and manipulate the body’s soft tissues, and this supposedly helps to improve the alignment of the person’s spine.

Is Rolfing effective?

In theory, Rolfing treats scoliosis by improving the muscular structure of the body. ‘Rolfers’ purport to de-rotate the connective tissues that have shortened and tightened around your muscles, thus balancing out the muscles either side of your spine and pulling everything back into place. In practice, however, there is little to no evidence that Rolfing is an effective method for the treatment of scoliosis. The practice of Rolfing is based on founder Ida Rolf’s ideas about energy fields and the Earth’s gravitational pull, but there is no proof that these things have any bearing on the curvature of one’s spine. Muscular imbalance is a genuine issue that must be considered when treating scoliosis, but there is no reason to believe that Rolfing is the best way to address this or any other aspect of the condition.

Alternatives to Rolfing

Here at the Scoliosis SOS Clinic, we treat our patients using a combination of scientifically proven exercise-based techniques such as the FITS method, SEAS method and PNF technique. Our ScolioGold treatment programme blends a number of different approaches in order to address every part of each patient’s condition. This includes strengthening the back muscles and reversing the muscular imbalance that a curved spine can cause. Contact Scolios SOS today to book an initial consultation or find out more about our treatment method.