Although there is no cause for the curvature of the spine in that majority of cases we treat here at Scoliosis SOS, and in scoliosis patients in general, there are several medical conditions which can lead to the development of scoliosis.
Today, we are focusing on one of the conditions which can lead to the development of scoliosis, namely, Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Many will not have heard of the condition previously, due to its rare and serious nature. It occurs when the immune system attacks part of the nervous system, and is often the result of a viral or bacterial infection.
One of the primary symptoms of Guillain-Barré is progressive muscle weakness, and a resulting loss in coordination. Although many sufferers of Guillain-Barré go on to recover from their condition, a lasting impact is often caused by this weakening of the muscles, which in some cases, can lead to the development of scoliosis.
Such was the case for our previous patient Jonathan, who suffered with Guillain-Barré for a year, and was diagnosed with scoliosis shortly afterwards. Upon initial diagnosis, Jonathan was told he had a 19° curve and was given a corrective brace, but six months later he was told that this had progressed to a 38° curve.
Improved muscle strength and coordination are a huge part of our treatment process here at Scoliosis SOS, targeted by the inclusion of methods such as the
PNF Technique, along with other elements of our ScolioGold programme. For this reason, our treatment approach can be incredibly beneficial for an individual who has been left weakened by the impact of Guillian-Barré, as is exemplified in Jonathan’s treatment video below:
If you would like to learn more about how we can aid the recovery of Guillian-Barre sufferers, and relieve symptoms of their scoliosis, please get in touch by calling 0207 488 4428, or by filling out our enquiry form here.
The first signs of scoliosis commonly appear during adolescence, although with that being said the condition can affect an individual at any point in their lifetime. Some people develop scoliosis as they approach old age, whereas others may notice the symptoms far earlier in life; there have even been cases of babies born with scoliosis.
there isn’t a true ‘cure’ for scoliosis at present. In around 80% of cases, it’s not even clear what has caused the spine to curve in the first place – this is referred to as
idiopathic scoliosis, and it is the condition’s most common form by far. Some researchers in Japan are believed to have found the gene that kick-starts the “
genetic chain reaction” that eventually leads to idiopathic scoliosis, but while this is undeniably a huge step forward, a lot more research is needed before we can use these findings to prevent scoliosis from developing.
But while curing scoliosis is currently not possible, there several different methods for treating scoliosis and helping those affected by the condition to enjoy a higher quality of life. One common method is to correct the curve via spinal fusion surgery, but this is a major operation and it may take up to a year for the patient to fully recover from the surgery. Like any surgical procedure, the spinal fusion operation also carries the risk of potentially serious complications, such as infection, blood clots and damage to the nerves.
With this in mind, it’s easy to see why many scoliosis sufferers turn to exercise-based therapy in order to avoid undergoing surgery. Here at the Scoliosis SOS Clinic, we deliver scoliosis treatment courses that are based around our own proven ScolioGold method. You may have heard of the Schroth method, and this programme forms a large part of our own methodology, but where some clinics solely utilise Schroth exercises, we complement them with a large range of other non-surgical spinal treatment techniques, resulting in a far more well-rounded treatment regime that our patients find exceptionally effective.
If you suffer from scoliosis, please
contact Scoliosis SOS and book an initial consultation with one of our scoliosis consultants, who will be happy to recommend the best course of action for you.