World-class acrobat, Lauren Hill, has been somersaulting her way around the globe at competitions since the tender age of 7 and has had the privilege of being part of Team GB at 3 Championships where she has won gold at European and World level. At 16 years old, she found her life in “sudden turmoil” after a shock diagnosis of Scoliosis and the threat of a high-risk operation to surgically immobilise and straighten her spine, which would have put an end to her acrobatics for good. Now thanks to a unique exercise programme she can look forward to pursuing the competitive and future performance career she always dreamed of.
When Lauren’s coach noticed her hips and shoulders looked uneven and one shoulder blade protruded he advised Lauren’s mother Alison to see her GP immediately. Lauren was initially diagnosed with a leg length discrepancy.  Yet, in just a short period of time Lauren was in terrible pain and had started to lose her flexibility. Lauren’s mother was desperate to help Lauren find some treatment that would mean she could continue with her dreams of being a professional acrobat.
Lauren enrolled on a four-week course of ScolioGold therapy and has achieved amazing results. Lauren is no longer at risk of surgery and has never been so excited about the future. 
For more on Lauren’s story please see the video below: –
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