Pilates is a system of exercises devised by a German physical trainer named Joseph Pilates. It has become incredibly popular in the Western world, with countless Pilates classes available throughout the UK. But is Pilates beneficial for scoliosis sufferers? It certainly can be – there is evidence that Pilates can help to improve balance and muscle conditioning, and some scoliosis patients also find that Pilates helps to relieve tension, improve posture and increase joint mobility. This method of exercising is usually very safe, and while it’s no substitute for an intensive ScolioGold treatment course, you may find that Pilates goes some way towards helping you cope with your spinal curvature. Today we will be looking at some helpful Pilates techniques for scoliosis sufferers and how you can perform them at home.

Pilates for Scoliosis - Seated Pelvic Tilt

Seated Pelvic Tilt on a Stability Ball

To perform this exercise:
  • Sit up straight on a stability ball with your feet flat on the floor and hold a support in front of you.
  • Slowly tuck your tailbone under, curving your pelvis beneath you. You should feel the ball roll forward slightly.
  • Release, then start again.

Pilates for Scoliosis - Side Bend

Side Bend

The side bend exercise focuses on the upper half of your back. Here’s how to do it:
  • Raise one hand up over your head, towards the ceiling, then bend your knees.
  • Once you’re in a bending position, take your other hand and rest it on the side of your hip.
  • Lengthen your body to one side, rest, and then bend to the other side. Repeat.

Pilates for Scoliosis - Neutral Pelvis

Core Activation

This exercise is very gentle and can be conducted by patients of all ages. Lie flat on your back on a soft mat to begin with, then follows these steps:
  • With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (hip-width apart), find your ‘neutral pelvis’ as shown in the photos above. First, move your lower back as far as you can away from the mat…
  • …and then press it as far as you can towards the mat. The midpoint between these two positions is your ‘neutral pelvis’.
  • To engage your core, place your finger tips on the inside of your hip bone. Try to tighten your stomach muscles in towards the spine – your tummy should move away from your fingers.
  • Hold for six seconds, and then repeat.

Pilates for Scoliosis - Core Activation

These are just a few gentle Pilates exercises that can be completed every morning. Regularly completing this routine can help relieve tension and other symptoms of scoliosis, but if you’re looking for a more specialised exercise routine to prevent long-term progression of your condition, we can provide this here at the Scoliosis SOS Clinic. Contact us today for details, or click here to learn more about our ScolioGold treatment method.